Posts Tagged “spiritual”

Soul Purpose Oracle September 12, 2017

Soul Purpose Oracle Reading from the Wild Wisdom Faery Oracle Deck.

Take a deeper breath.
Soften your face & shoulders.
Ask your inner guidance to pick a card to guide, inspire or uplift you.

Post the number of your choice in the comments below.

You will receive a mini energy healing to support your alignment with your soul purpose.

1 Her Special Place – It is essential that you take time for yourself in a safe, quiet and sacred sanctuary of your own design. What will support you to listen deeply to the sound of your breath? Where can you feel of your heart beating? How can you connect deeply to the message of your inner wisdom. Don’t wait! Create the time and place to go in, release, reset and realign your body, mind and soul.

2 Greenman’s Door (Reversed) – Next week is the autumn equinox where the veil between the worlds is thin and you are invited to rebalance the physical and spiritual in your life. With the card reversed it’s an ideal time to clear away blocks to your personal experience of magic and reconnect with your inner child and sense of play.  Perhaps plan a personal ritual in order to pay attention to magic and playful innocence from the Fairy Realm.

3 Crystal Magic (Reversed) – You are being invited to connect with the magic of sound and movement and you may need to move through your resistance or habits to be able to access the next level of healing power. Enjoy your connection with sound and movement as the integration of your physical, emotional and energetic body which is essential to move beyond the limited self.

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