You are called to write, share your story and inspire women to enjoy a fully expressed & soul-centered life.
You have navigated challenges, hit rock bottom, risen from the ashes, recreated yourself and built a new life.
So…what stops you from sitting down to write?
Why does it feel that anything is more important than pen to page or fingers to keyboard.
It is an intense time in the world and I don’t see any signs of the pace or intensity decreasing.
Often it takes a personal tragedy, death of a loved one, health crisis, getting laid off, or the dissolution of a marriage to WAKE UP and muster the courage to explore the edges of your comfort zone.
We are coming together, to share our wisdom, write our stories and rise from the ashes together as a supportive sisterhood.
On the hero’s journey you courageously return to your community to share the wisdom gained from your experiences.
You’re invited to the free online Sacred Writing Course to write your story and share wisdom in service to the highest good.
You feel an INNER PRESSURE to share your story in order to align with soul purpose, it’s time to stop denying your soul’s calling.
Writing is an opportunity to transform our relationship with your core wounds, reveal insights and shine light into the shadows from life changing events.
You are invited to write daily to reveal the unspoken truths & personal insights burning inside.
Julie Balderrama – Find your Writing Flow on Social Media
Maura Torkildson – Write Consistently to Publish your Book
Anne Belliveau – Sound Healing to Create Sacred Space & Share your Voice
Life Path dedicated to discover, clarify and embody your Soul Purpose
Business Path for highly trained, professional, experienced practitioner building a sustainable business using writing to expand your reach, engage & inspire more clients.
Join the Sacred Writing Circle for free when you enter your name and email address in the box below: