Client Testimonials:

magnetized a growing number of ideal clients

Before working with Christel, I was struggling with creating my unique offerings that landed for my ideal clients so they would hire me for my coaching services and attend my events and classes.

As we have worked together I have developed a powerful clarity about my soul purpose that has magnetized a growing number of ideal clients to my events and offerings. I went from having no paying coaching clients to now having 4 ongoing paying clients and quite a few shorter term clients as well as daily requests to join my group and participate in my online offerings as well as a growing number of attendees to my local offerings.

As a result, here is what has changed in my life:

I feel more confident than ever that I can share about my work in such a way that my ideal clients will be drawn to work with me.

I have set the ball in motion to gradually reduce the work I do for other people to work more and more within my soul purpose aligned structures.

I feel more and more confidence that I will be able to in the next year begin making my living entirely from my soul purpose offerings

My dream of creating my own signature healing modality is blossoming before me as a real possibility.

I would absolutely recommend Christel because:

She is so committed to integrity, spiritual and planetary awakening, and has great skill with bringing expansive dreamers like myself into embodied leadership. She is relentless at reminding me of the most important things to focus on in order to create business success. And she is not afraid to admit when she makes a mistake and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it right. This is crucial for someone like me who is still recovering from wounding around mentors and coaches who acted as though they could do no wrong. Christel is a breath of fresh air in this often stuffy world.

Sama Morningstar, Womb Wellness Revolutionary

recognize my value & confidently receive financial stability

I am honored to be able to work with Christel as my intuitive guide and entrepreneurial coach. I appreciate her flawless integration of the Sacred Masculine with the Sacred Feminine and I am continually inspired by her compassion and strength to share my gifts and skills with those who are ready to heal their autoimmune dis-ease. I have gained confidence to speak my truth in any situation, and structure to help me focus on my core mission while maintaining healthy business boundaries. Working with Christel has helped me to stand in my own unique power, recognize and acknowledge my skills and the value I bring to my clients, and more confidently receive financial stability that comes with gratitude. I've worked with other coaches who were all about glitz and glamour and missing the higher purpose of service for humanity, and Christel is tuned in and aligned with the higher good. I highly recommend Christel because she is a wise, firm, and gentle guide who intuits each of her client's gifts and talents while celebrating successes, all while simultaneously holding each experience as a great growing opportunity.

In gratitude,
Janis E. McKinstry, MA
Holistic Wellness Counselor

streamlined systems for outreach & increased my income significantly

Before working with Christel, I was challenged by time management, creating organization in my business and reaching new clients. After our work together, I was able to create a more balanced schedule, streamlined systems for client connection and outreach as well as increase my income significantly. Since our work together I have much more confidence in my offerings, a better foundation of business skills and more courage to dream big.

I would absolutely recommend Christel because of her fearless feedback, her extensive experience and her skillful listening to my heart.

Jana Kilgore 
Director of Wellness at Breathe Los Gatos

"An approach I have found to be hugely effective!"

Before working with Christel, I was struggling with clarifying my niche, with integrating all my different styles of working into a cohesive program, and let’s face it- getting clients and earning money. After our three months working together, I have honed in on the tribe I am truly called to serve, created a funnel of programs to serve them that I am really proud of- and had my highest income earning month EVER in my life (wow!) I am feeling much more clear and grounded in my body work, and excited to move forward. Perhaps most powerful for me, Christel has helped me to discover a way to be growing my business while creating more ease and balance in my life- as a homeschooling mom, making sure that my business doesn’t “take over” the rest of my important work is essential!

I would absolutely recommend Christel because she is able to work on both outer “business systems” implementation, as well as inner alignment, an approach I have found to be hugely effective!

Anne Belliveau
Healer & Musician

"...a great cheerleader."

Christel has been so supportive and a great cheerleader. I have grown personally as well as financially because of her caring nurturing gifts. The individual weekly coaching calls gave me confidence to build my practice. I have gone from 8 clients a month in the beginning of the year to 24 this past month. I have learned and put into practice a new booking keeping system which I just completed last week. My new confidence has given me the courage to believe what I offer has value and that I am the expert in my field. I’m learning to speak up and be seen as the wise woman I am. I’ve stood in my power at my seasonal celebrations because of the activation exercises and organizational skills. Our time together has changed me. I so appreciate Christel and value our friendship.

Dot Claire
Modern Day Medicine Woman

" additional income of $3500 in just 30 days!"

Christel personally helped me revise my VIP Offering (selling private coaching time) that added an additional income of $3500 in just 30 days!

Julia Glyde
Speaker Trainer at On Stage with Julia