Soul Purpose Oracle Reading

Soul Purpose Oracle Reading

Activate Body, Mind & Soul Purpose

It is an intense time in the world and I don’t see any signs of that the pace or intensity slowing down…

On a daily basis I hear about women feeling: depressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, broke, afraid, alone etc.

The nag of dissatisfaction in the midst of what appears to be a “good life” creates confusion since there are MANY good things in life.

“Why don’t I feel satisfied?”

Often it takes a personal tragedy, death of a loved one, health crisis, getting laid off, or the dissolution of a marriage to WAKE UP and muster the courage to expand our comfort zone.

I’d love to support you to listen to the call of your soul BEFORE your back is against the wall.

You may feel an INNER PRESSURE and demand not to deny your soul purpose anymore.

Or if you are already in the pressure cooker, it’s time connect to your soul purpose before it gets out of control.

What can you do?

STOP. LISTEN. RESET. Align with the whispers of your soul.

In 2005, I was enjoyed a successful healing arts practice, traveled, lived in a gorgeous mountain town, connected with a great group of friends, yet something inside me was not satisfied. So, I did what many spiritual seekers do, I went on quest and moved to the other side of the world. I spent the 11 years dedicated to explore my passion, my sexual desires, my deepest wounds, my spiritual gifts, my BIG why, the skeletons in my closet in order to discover and uncover my soul purpose.

On my quest, I created a transformational healing modality called Soul Success Design which connects the body, mind, heart and soul while integrating all soul aspects of the past, present and future.

Connect with Soul Purpose & Increase Wealth Consciousness

Client Celebrations:
• Release 20 pounds and keep the weight off for the first in her life
• Meet her soulmate partner
• Quit a job she hated and land a job that turns into an opportunity of a lifetime
• Go after and receive a promotion and raise at work
• Leave an unhappy marriage
(These clients worked with me over a period of months or years)

I believe in you and your greatness. After 28 years in the Healing Arts & Transformational business I have learned to support you to manifest your dreams.

In our session we open a sacred & safe space to listen to and follow instructions from your Soul because your Infinite Self knows but you might be out of practice of listening to and following your inner wisdom.

I currently only work with clients for a 3 months minimum and my rates are $250 per hour. (That rate is not an inflated-hyped-up rate, it is what real clients are paying.)

I’d love to support with a special invitation for women who need a soul boost now!

What is a Soul Purpose Oracle Reading?

One – 60 minute phone session

You + me + your soul’s deepest longing = clear the path to manifest your dreams

Available now for $111

Register Now

(The regular rate for this session is $255)

Let’s focus on your desire to live in alignment with your Soul purpose, vision, gifts & intuition

This is for you if:

You are ready to get in touch with your Soul Purpose without letting anything STOP YOU.

Let’s open the door for you, your desire, and your purpose to take center stage.

If you feel this offering is a good match to support you to align with your soul purpose, I invite you to register now so we can ride the wave of your inspiration.

When you are alignment with your vision, values and soul purpose you are in the flow where there is no resistance and no struggle.

You will experience shifts in our health, relationships & finances.

I would be honored to support you to Heal your Body, Master your Mind and Awaken your Soul Purpose.

If this invitation resonates with your soul, I invite you to sign up and let’s get your reading on the schedule.

With Love & the Power of Awakening,
Christel xxo

p.s. Soul Purpose Oracle Reading are magical and work on all levels of your body and being.
This is 1-on-1 transformation with your soul purpose. We work together to see the truth of your power, activate the courage to attain your desires, and manifest what you’re dreaming about.

Available now for $111

Register Now

(The regular rate for this session is $255)

If you are interested to explore working together more intensively please click here:
Soul Purpose Clarity Session

“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
Joseph Campbell